Keep Moving-Wellness-And-Rest

Special Hours Notice:

We want to thank you for your continued patience over these last few months. In coordination with the governor’s announcement this week regarding indoor fitness facilities, the Kaplan Center will be opening on Saturday, September 12th at 10:00am.

For the fall semester, our hours of operation will be:
Monday – Thursday 6:00am – 10:00pm
Friday 6:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday 10:00am – 7:00pm
Sunday 10:00am – 10:00pm

Over the next week, we will be updating our website and communicating details regarding your membership and important considerations when visiting the Kaplan Center.

Posted on Wednesday, March 25th, 2020 by Ashley Marshall under Recreation & Wellness.


Resting your body can be challenging in stressful situations. With so many unknowns, it’s easy to get stuck in the stress cycle. While sleep is always at the top of the list, there are many ways to rest your body.

This is a turbulent time for each of us.

Dealing with sudden change and ongoing uncertainty is tough on the mind as well as the body. The systems that keep our bodies functioning are being taxed as we try to cope with our current reality as best we can. As stressors increase so does the negative impact on your immune system.

How can you help support your immune system?


In order to rest our bodies, we desperately need to calm our systems and our minds. Finding calm may look different for each of us. It includes unplugging from the news, media, and even academic studies to do something every single day that brings you peace, joy, or simply a sense of calm. Find a way to stay positive and engaged.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Go for a walk
  • Step outside and get some fresh air
  • Take a relaxing shower or bath
  • Have a solo dance party!
  • Practice gratitude: list 3 good things in the world each day!
  • Practice yoga or gentle stretches
  • Practice deep breathing
  • Listen to a guided meditation
  • Make a cup of tea
  • Read a book just for pleasure!
    • Or save your eyes and listen to an audio book
    • Find a new podcast that peaks your interest
  • Find a new app that helps you relax your mind and body

Please remember that sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health right now. Do your part – get good sleep!